balderdash & gobbledygook

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Commercial muna

I have yet to write about Part 3 of my last Gasoo Encounter that's why there haven't been any updates. Will finish it up real soon (like when I get in the mood, hehe!).

Anyway, just want to pimp the new addition to my blog page.......... Ear Kandy!!! It's on the right side under the tag board i think. It's a radio blog for Kpop fans! I didn't create it though so I won't be able to help you with songs you want to request. But I hope you guys give it a try and listen to the songs on the playlist that you do like. ^_______^

And also, I wanna pimp the newest series I've been hooked on. The show is called Prison Break. Great story and great cast and it has my guy of the moment: Wentworth Miller.


now back to regular programing: snoresville zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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